In the early 1930's, a scientist named Royal Rife invented what's known today as the Rife machine. Using bio-frequency to identify the vibration of certain ailments, illnesses, or conditions, the Rife machine has been used all over the world as bio-resonance treatment. Healthy cells are not impacted, while sick or "low vibrational cells" would reportedly regenerate faster when using the Rife machine. Many have stated that through using the Rife machine, they were able to explode various viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, tumors, and calcium deposits. The healing power of frequency is an ancient and powerful way of approaching disease and is used well on its own or as a complementary therapy.
is biofrequency therapy safe?
Yes, there are no known or reported side effects to using energetic therapy, bio-frequency therapy, or the Rife machine. It's known to be a painless procedure.
what can be treated with rife therapy?
Many clients have used the Rife machine for both mental health and physical health conditions, including but not limited to:
Chronic Pain
Stomach Pain
Quitting smoking naturally
Anxity, depression, trauma
the research behind bioresonance
Though research is limited, there are some research studies available indicating the efficacy and safety of using Rife technology.