A good candidate for naturopathic and homeopathic medicine is:
Aware of their symptoms, has insight into the fact that they have a health problem, and is ready to accept help
Able to clearly articulate their thoughts, feelings, and physical symptoms, or has a caregiver who can accurately express these details on their behalf
Consistent & committed to following treatment regimens and following up monthly until symptoms are resolved (usually takes 1/4 of the time that the illness has been present to resolve the illness)
Interested in a natural or integrative approach to treatment, rather than prescription medication only (naturopathic doctors can prescribe and manage some but not all medications; you can ask us for details regarding whether we can manage your medications or if we would need to collaborate with a psychiatrist or other doctor if you take certain medications)
Not in an urgent crisis at the time of starting treatment; we usually do not have appointments available immediately, so if you need help immediately for a crisis situation, we will refer you to a hospital or residential facility.
How to get started with us
1)Schedule a free 15 minute meet & greet phone consultation with us to determine whether we are a good fit to help you, and which doctor would be best suited to work with you. 2) Fill out your pre-assessment questionnaire before the free consult, which is sent to you when you schedule the meet & greet call. This questionnaire gives our team a nice overview of your situation.
3) We will call you for your meet & greet consult to talk more, give you a chance to ask questions, and you can decide whether to schedule your full 2-hour initial evaluation. If we're not the right match, we can give other suggestions or referrals.
What to expect during your new client initial evaluation
Our naturopathic doctors have an expertise in homeopathic & integrative medicine. The homeopathic consult may be scheduled on the same day as your initial naturopathic intake assessment or they can be scheduled on separate days. Both intakes below are scheduled with the naturopathic doctor and payment is due at time of service. View pricing details here.
2-hour Initial Intake Consultation ($550: $150 deposit + $400 at time of visit): (Occasionally the doctor may recommend that the initial consultation be one hour, for very simple cases. If this applies for you, the initial evaluation cost will be reduced accordingly.) - Discussion of your current concerns, past medical history, family history, and any other health concerns you have - Physical examination as appropriate based on your health history* - Discussion of diagnosis, testing, and treatment options that may be helpful* - In depth review of your primary symptoms, to determine which homeopathic medicine would be best to treat them
Stories or examples of the symptoms at their worst
Triggers or traumatic events that initiated the symptoms
Thought patterns and speech patterns during symptom flares
Emotional reactions to stressful events
Behavioral changes when symptoms are increased
Physical sensations that occur when the symptoms are heightened
Discomfort in the body, or pain anywhere in the body (headaches, digestive issues, tension internally or odd sensations in certain body parts) that comes on when symptoms are strongest
Things that are soothing or help reduce symptoms
Changes in thirst, specific cravings, or appetite alterations when symptoms are increased
- We will request of past medical records from other physicians if necessary* - We will discuss option to order new labs if appropriate* - We may recommend vitamins, herbs, natural supplements, and any prescriptions that are appropriate for your case - Discussion of benefits and risks of homeopathic treatment, and explanation of integrative protocol
At the end of your initial evaluation, we will recommend a homeopathic medicine specific to you, typically costing $10-12 per vial that would usually last over a month. Additional natural or conventional medicine options may be offered as well. Homeopathic medicines can be mailed to you, and some are sold in stores.
What about follow-up visits? Follow-up visits are an important part of your care. Your body needs time to heal and naturopathic medicine is not an overnight fix. Most of our clients hold monthly follow-up visits that range from 30-45 minutes. As symptoms lessen and you start to feel better, you may have more time between your follow-up visits or follow-up as needed. During these visits, your doctor will review your symptoms, assess of your response to treatment, and decide if changes are needed.
- 15-minute mini follow up can be scheduled if you have been responding well to your protocol ($70) - 30-minute standard follow up ($130) - 45-minute extended follow up if you need significant review of your symptoms and protocol ($200) - 60-minute complex follow up for more in depth analysis and review ($260)
(Visit prices are subject to change every 1-2 years.)
* For out-of-state clients, our doctors are acting as holistic health consultants only and can't diagnose, order labs, or manage prescriptions. All medical care would need to be done with your psychiatrist, general practitioner, nurse practitioner, etc. Certain states in the US have laws against practice of naturopathic medicine, such as South Carolina and Tennessee. If you live in one of those states, we can't schedule an initial consultation with you. We recommend contacting a local mental health provider in your state, such as a holistic MD or psychiatric nurse practitioner.