Natural & Homeopathic Medicine Naturopathic medicine combines the best of both conventional and alternative treatments to offer an individualized approach that empowers the patient. Homeopathic medicine is one of many natural treatment options that our practitioners can provide. Naturopathic doctors are trained to find and eliminate the deeper root causes of illness, whether those causes are physical, psychological, or a combination of both. As physicians, our first step is to perform a thorough medical consultation and examination, including ordering any necessary labs, to determine an accurate diagnosis. We then can proceed to discussing all of your options, both natural and conventional, and we will work with you to develop a treatment plan that is safe and effective. We can discuss homeopathic options, nutritional therapies, herbal medicine, important lifestyle modifications, and many other treatment options to promote health and balance in your life. By applying safe and effective natural therapies, your naturopathic physician can help you achieve optimal health.
Psychological Counseling Our patients report that when they combine psychological therapy with naturopathic treatment, that they make leaps and bounds in progress, compared with any one type of treatment alone. Counseling can unlock hidden belief systems that might be holding you back from finding peace and balance in your life. Often if one family member is struggling with mental illness, the whole family suffers. Family therapy can offer the guidance and support needed to improve dynamics within our relationships and our families, so that everyone can feel empowered and healthy. Counseling provides a safe space for healing from trauma, coaching on making healthy lifestyle changes, and offers compassionate support for people going through difficult transitions in their lives. We will often refer to counselors or therapists within our trusted referrals network to add this pillar of support.
Conventional Medicine We can work collaboratively with your prescriber to ensure optimal results. Many of our patients come to us already taking prescription medications, with a desire to either integrate this protocol into a holistic approach, or a desire to taper these medications if possible. The naturopathic doctors at our office are trained in the management of prescription medications as well, so we know how to integrate prescription medicines into your natural protocol in a way that avoids interactions and minimizes side effects, and we can offer recommendations on tapering medications when appropriate, or safely combining the prescription protocol with natural remedies and supplements that can help to reduce side effects and provide even better results.