Eating disorders are complex, but treatment doesn't have to be. Naturopathic medical and mental health options exist to identify the root causes of eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimina, binge-eating disorder, binge-purge disorder, orthorexia, bulimarexia and everything in between. Eating disorders are often layered with other symptoms of anxiety, OCD, stress, PTSD, and trauma and naturopathic medicine identifies each layer for healing. Eating disorders tends to affect females and younger adolescents, but these condition can affect others, as well.
Defining Anorexia Nervosa If you or someone you know have suffered from this eating disorder, you know how painful it can be. With anorexia, a person refuses to eat adequately or what would otherwise be perceived as a normal eating routine, which contributes to noticeable weight loss. Often times, this is accompanied with an obsession for dieting, even after the diet has been completed. Weight loss can be rapid and lead to nutritional deficiencies, which often trigger symptoms of anxiety, stress, and OCD/perfectionism.
Defining Bulimina, Binge-Eating Disorder, Binge-Purging Disorder, Bulimarexia The above mentioned eating disorders are often characterized by abnormal cravings for food, followed by a binge-purge cycle that's self-induced through laxatives or vomiting. These vicious cycles affect the brain and Central Nervous System to include impact on the gut, kidneys, liver, and hormones. Often times, this happens in secrecy and can be difficult to detect in those closest to the struggling individual.
Homeopathic Treatment for Eating Disorders
Homeopathy is a natural option when treating eating disorders naturally because each homeopathic remedy is specifically mapped out to each individual's personality. Our naturopathic doctors, who are trained in mental health, have several tools available to help treat eating disorders from a holistic perspective. Treatments often include a combination of treatment methods along with homeopathy, such as IV nutrient therapy, acupuncture, nutritional guidance from a nutritionist, therapy, and more.
As homeopathy acts as a healing catalyst within the physical, mental and emotional body, it works to remove the specific symptoms of each condition. As each person's treatment is customized based on their unique symptoms, remedies are identified to help with cravings, obsession over self-image, anxiety, desire for perfectionism, and many more. Homeopathic medicines are selected based on the individual's unique causes or sensations, which is why an in-depth naturopathic and homeopathic intake are often recommended to address all health concerns. Learn more about our intake process here.
Telemedicine and in-person appointments available in Scottsdale
Do you live out of state? No problem. Our expert naturopathic doctors will work with you as a consultant in treating eating disorders in Arizona or across state lines. Our doctors will often make recommendations for local treatments, such as IV therapy or acupuncture, while we're able to mail you your homeopathic remedy. All homeopathic medical appointments can be done over the phone or via our secured, HIPAA-protected video patient platform.
Real hope exists and we want to help. Go online or call our office to schedule your free consultation with one of our naturopathic medical doctors.